Grow with Us

Our Mission

Welcome to Keiffer & Son, We are trusted stewards of land, resources and relationships working to grow row

crops in a sustainable and regenerative way while leaving the land in better condition than we found it.

What We Grow

We grow a diverse number of row crops in multi-year rotations.


Number 2 Yellow Dent Corn was grown on over 88 million acres in the US in 2022. Nearly 100% of our corn is sold in bulk by the trailer load to a local feed mill that uses it as a component for feed for poultry, swine and beef production.


The Commonwealth of PA harvested around 300,000 acres of soybeans in 2022. We have been growing soybeans since the early 1980’s when the crop was introduced as a companion to corn for multi-year rotation. Our soybean production is sold and delivered in bulk to regional crush facilities. They separate the bean into its oil and meal components. Oil is sold in bulk as a commodity for a myriad of uses. The meal is a feed component bringing protein to an animal's ration.


Wheat is a fall seeded crop that overwinters in dormancy and is harvested in July. Our wheat is sold to local flour mills in central Pennsylvania


Barley is a fall seed crop that gets harvested earlier than wheat usually in mid-June. Barley grain is sold to local feed mills as a corn alternative in beef rations. Soybeans are planted immediately after barley is harvested to get two crop in one season. This practice is known as 'double-cropping'


Sorghum is a low-acreage crop in the northeast. It is mostly grown in the arid plains and high plains of the US. It’s end-use in PA is a component in bird seed and also a main ingredient in non-GMO, corn-free pet food.

Regenerative Farming

Quality farming with Earth's natural resources, product quality, and customer satisfaction in mind is a holistic

approach that harmonizes sustainable practices. It involves responsible resource management, minimizing

waste, and maximizing productivity while preserving the environment. Through stringent quality control

measures, it ensures the production of safe and superior agricultural goods, satisfying customers' expectations

and fostering long-term sustainability for generations to come.


We have been 100% no-till since 1992. Leaving heavy tillage behind promotes healthy soil aggregate structure. This reduces erosion, increases soil health and improves water-holding capacity.

Cover Crop

We plant diverse mixes of cover crops after fall harvest. Cover crops reduce weed pressure, reduce erosion, feeds the soil microbiome alive through the off season and grows nitrogen fertilizer for the following year's cash crop. This helps us to reduce synthetic fertilizer and chemical usage.

Reducing Synthetic Fertilizer

By using chicken manure, nitrogen stabilizers and Pivot Bio we greatly reduce our dependence on synethetic fertilizers like urea-ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride (potash).

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